Broncofish, other fuge experts


I have a 125 gallon with hang on overflow with dual lines
it leads down to a 150 pro wet/dry
return is a mag 9
was wondering if i got a 29 gallon tank and put in 2 baffles for a fuge if i should run it from one of the 2 overflows into the fuge, and keep one runing into the wet/dry, with the fuge spilling into the wet/dry also
or im open to other suggestions
i also have a 20 gallon long I resealed, and will leak test tonite
that is shorter tank , and i might be able to elevate it for overflow back into wet/dry


the hoses that come off the back of my tank are the plastic/ flexible hoses, should i cut into one, or should i place the tee at the point it enters into the sump?
the hoses to the sump lead to the area where the builtin skimmer are


places that sell sumps, or a pool supply store will be able to sell you fittings that fit the flexible hoze that will allow you to connect to pvc. not very expensive route to go either.
if you are doing slip connections instead of threaded with teflon, be sure to put in a union after the ball valve so that you dont have a permenent y connection that you have to deal with when it comes time to do maintenance etc.


Active Member
I have to say DVSkin has the right idea. Man you build a regium or 20 and everybody thinks you know what your doing:D :D . I know DVS and myself think a like, but I can't stress the making it neat part. The first fuge I set up was sloppy, sloppy plumbing sloppy fuge just sloppy. Worked really well but looked like crap, and I was completely unhappy evertime I opened my stand.


thanks guys
ill investigate what the stores have next day or so and try building it on the weekend
ill try to post a pic of how it looks for a better idea for you to help
will probably be tomorrow night before i can though


one more question tonight
Has anyone used
miracle mud
mineral mud (seachem)
bio-sediment (kent)
and if so which do you recommend varying prices
i found 10 lbs of miracle mud for $58


Active Member
I use Miracel Mud, and I like it, a lot of people say snake oil, but I disagree. My numbers are always dead nut on 0's so I can't complain. I don't use a skimmer either, and my water is plain RO, with no DI


baffles are in and setting
will set up the fuge next week after it has been leak tested further
would it be of any benefit to set this up using its own overflow?
i do have an extra one i can set up
any benefit to running a fuge on its own overflow and return?


unless the overflow has a very low gph (like 100 gph or so) i wouldnt because you will end up with too much flow going through the fuge.
i guess you could tee off of that and make half of the water go directly to the sump, that however wouldnt be any different in the long run than teeing off of your main drain line.
imho, keep that second overflow box, get yerself a 20 gallon breeder, and make yerself a grow out tank. tee off of one of your drain lines, get a little dual 55w pc setup, you can have the overflow dump water from your grow out into your sump....
guess this would have the added bonus of adding 20 gallons to your system.


baffels are set and water tested, today i will purchase the tee and the hose and the ball valve, still not sure what size return pump i should try to use.
I can use a cap 200 and run from the fuge back into the wet/dry in the skimmer area, or i can get a cap 1800 or so and send it up into the tank directly
not sure yet
any ideas?


actually as someone who has taken apart several powerheads in an attempt to figure out how they work, rio and cap are not the same. common misconseption. check out a ******** parts schematic some time.