Brooklynella and Ich


What is the difference between these two as far as visual identification is concerned? I woke up today and both my fish were covered in white spots, but im not sure if its Ich or Brooklynella.


Active Member
Ich should have numerous individual white spots each looking like salt grains.
Brooklynella tends to have sheets of whitish slime.
There are pictures of the two in the Basic FAQ sticky at the top of this forum.


Active Member
Easiest way to tell is to do a freshwater bath. You won't really see any ick come off, but if it is brook then it will look like a fine powder in the water.


I did a formalin bath on my clownfish and now its looking like it is peeling after a sunburn. So would this be more indicative of Brooklynella?


Ahh... short but sweet. Thanks Terry! I feel a lot better knowing that I correctly identified what is wrong with my fish and now I know I am taking the rights steps to get them better (Formalin baths and leave them in QT tank).


While the thread is going, I'd like to see if anyone might know how the Brooklynella got in. I got some new corals in last week and this is the only new life I have added that I can think would have brought it, but I'm not sure if this is possible? I have not added new fish for at least 6 months.



Originally posted by Terry B
Formalin should only be used in a 45 minute dip (aerated). I would also use some nitrofurazone (Furacyn) in the quarantine tank.
Terry B

That is what I did, the 45 minute dip (bath) with airstone in tank water with Formalin. I will see about picking up some Furacyn tomorrow. Thanks!


Active Member

Originally posted by JasonTK
While the thread is going, I'd like to see if anyone might know how the Brooklynella got in. I got some new corals in last week and this is the only new life I have added that I can think would have brought it, but I'm not sure if this is possible? I have not added new fish for at least 6 months.

I am not sure either... I have seen it happen many times before and never really heard of any explanations. Maybe Terry can chime in with an idea.