Well what I thought was ICK might not be. My Kole tang died last week due to what I thought was ick at first but then started to look much worse. And now my Cinnamon clown looks like he has Brooklynella and my Yellow tang looks like he has white stuff on his fins and body. The tang's problem does not look like ick anymore. I am now starting to believe it is Brooklynella, but I am still not sure. Even if I took a photo of the tang I do not think the problem could be seen due to his color.
The tank has been in HYPO now for about 1.5 weeks. the rest of my fish are doing well. ( 2-fire fish, 3-chromis) My QT is now set up and running and has cycled. The QT has all my LR in it currently. The QT is has not been treated with anything.
I need some help! How should I treat my fish? Should I take out my LR and Copper the QT tank and then add fish? Will copper cure Brooklynella? Is copper a cure all?
The tank has been in HYPO now for about 1.5 weeks. the rest of my fish are doing well. ( 2-fire fish, 3-chromis) My QT is now set up and running and has cycled. The QT has all my LR in it currently. The QT is has not been treated with anything.
I need some help! How should I treat my fish? Should I take out my LR and Copper the QT tank and then add fish? Will copper cure Brooklynella? Is copper a cure all?