Brooklynella Question


I had a bout with Brooklynella about a month ago. It got brought into my tank with my new clown fish. I did not QT them, and I regret it. The Brooklynell killed both clowns, and my coral beauty Angel fish. The only fish that I have left in the tank is my Blue HIPPO and he is doing great. Very healthy.
Right now, it is a 90 gallon FOWLR
My questions are:
1)How long do i have to wait before i add new fish?
2)Will the brroklynella die off with out a host, or is the HIPPO a host even though he doesnt show any signs.
3) Do i have to remove my tang and let the tank sit for 6 weeks before i add anything new?


Staff member
It will very likely die off, unless the fish you have in tank contract it. Wait 2 mos before considering adding more fish. In the meantime, think about setting up a quranine tank.