Brooklynella Questions


Active Member
Is it contagious to other clownfish in the tank? Can a clown live a week before dying? Can a clownfish recover on its own? I am trying to find out why my new female clown was sick a week, seemed to be recovering, got worse, and died this morning.
My male one had it but recovered on its own like 4 days ago.


Staff member
Vip, did you take a look at the perc pic in the FAQ thead on brook. See if that looks like what your fish had. Yes it is very contagious. I can't see any fish living without treatment.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. It looked sorta like that. She just had it behind her head, not all over though. And until two days ago it didn't look the same either. It used to be white fungus spots behind her head. The male was perfectly healthy the past few days after he recovered, and they hang out right next to each other all the time, and he didn't get it again. He recovered without treatment. Maybe it wasn't brooklynella?