
fish n ont

New Member
I called my LFS and was told they had never heard of this disease...obviously it exists as I have been reading a bit about it. Is there a way to prevent this from spreading throughout my tank...something I can add perhaps. I have about 80lbs of live rock, naso tang, cleaner shrimp, horseshoe crab, many other inverts...what can I do?
thanks for all your help...are you contracted by lol


Staff member
Please call them and ask them if they sell Formalin. It is a common fish medication. If not, call other stores to see if you can find it.
Take a look at the clownfish in the Diseased Fish Thread at the top of this forum. That is brooklynella.
There is nothing you can add to your display to treat this disease. It may or may not spread to other fish. The treatment is outlined in the FAQ Thread.