

Active Member
does brooklnella appear the same way as ick does? i had 2 fish die of what i thought was ick, but now im wondering if it was even ick. ive decided to let my tank to sit for a month to kill the ick, and i have about another 15 days, will this kill brooklynella too? if thats what it was? if not is there a treatment for brooklynella? will it remain in my tank or it is only on one fish, and not contagious? :help:


Staff member
Did the fish have salt like spots on them, if so, then it was ich. Fish will develop excessive slim coat when sick, especially when parasites are the problem.


Active Member
yea, the spots were really tiny, and there were only like 3-4 of then on both fish, they were about the size of a grain of salt.