
2 thoughts popped in my mind tonight:
1. Do you own stock in Rubbermaid ? :D
2 . Is there ANYTHING a rubbermaid container cannot do in this hobby ? :D :D :D
Seems like a very repetitve solution of yours. Oddly though, it ALWAYS seems to work !!!
:D :D :D


Active Member
LOL Mike :D
No - I don't own any stock ( yet )
Rubbermaid or Sterilite is cheap and flexible. I used it for sump/fuge for that reason.
Was the only thing I could fit under the tank - that would hold any real volume of water.
When I set up my "big" tank ~ I'll do it right ;)
I know it looks cheesy ~ but that's okay for now
Until then ~
If you can't duck it, f%@& it !!!
Broomer, Any further word on the skimmer yet ? Not trying to be pushy, just makin' sure you don't forget about me ... :D


Active Member
I have two of them.
They are what they are.
They skim - if you wanna see a picture of it in action - I can post one up here tomorrow.
I put one back in my sump this afternoon.
Was thinking of using both - but no room and I have another skimmer I'm fiddling with.
So email me at
I think I mentioned that it doesn't have the Rio600RVT that you'll need to buy.
Later Mike
Broomer, YGM....also, saw the coolest car this morning and immediately thought of you !!! It was a green Jeep Cherokee thing with HUGE red "Rubbermaid" logos on the sides and the hood. The one day I don't have my digital camera in the car and I miss an opportunity like this !!! :D :D


Mike...I know someone selling a TurboFlotor 1000 and return pump for $100. You can have her email address if you are interested.