Broomer ?


I like the idea on your setup with the poormans wavemaker. I just wanted to ask what kind of timer do you run it on? Do you use just a regular household timmer or do you run it on A single circuit wavemaker? How do you deal with fluctuateing water levels?


Active Member
I like to use digital timers.
The mechanical round clock type work fine too, but I prefer the digitals.
Home Depot or Lowes has them.
They're made by Intermatic.
You can set them up several different ways, different on/off patterns or random too.


Active Member
It's real sophisticated LOL :)
I run two return pumps up to spraybars that shoot into the tankwater.
One pump is on all the time, 24 hours per day.
The other pump comes on and off by a timer.
It just makes the tankwater go from higher to lower water circulation. Calling this set up any form of "wavemaking" is a pretty good stretch of the word. It does offer some water circulation change though. Some.
That's all ;)