Broomer5 Circulation Question


After spending some time on this website and many others, I have finally decided to use Broomer5' s circulation setup of a 75 gallon reef tank.. I have to say that after examining it and making a few modifications I was wondering if anyone including Broomer5 have suggestions on what type of magdrive to use on the return pump to feed the spray bar design using just the single lifereef prefilter/box with 700gph. Also, if i were to use a magdrive 7 as the return to my main tank and hooked up another return to my refuge using the same return pump ( which would be right next my sump) would that lower the water pressure and create an imbalance in the return to the main tank. I know i am not very well versed in the lingo but I think people who have used his design will understand what I am talking about.
thanks for any and all help,


if you are going to split the main return to also feed your fuge, and your overflow is rated at 700 gph, and you are going to have a similar number of turns as broomer has in his illustration, i would go with at least a 9, but preferably a 12. just plum in a ball valve and you can crank it back a hair if it is filling too fast, or direct more to the fuge. a mag 7 will be too weak imho after you account for stealing for the fuge, as well as figuring in head pressure for the rise, turns, and various fittings. depending on how you plumb it a 9 might even be low, thus my though of going 12.


Active Member
I agree with krux.
The Mag 7 will be too small to feed the fuge and display.
The Mag 9.5 would delivery around 800 gph @ 4' head, and would be the safe bet. Send 600 or so up to the display tank - and steal a couple hundred gph for the fuge.
The Mag12 would delivery around 1100 gph @ 4' head, and would work, but you may find that you have too much flow to the tank and the fuge.
Placing a ball valve on the discharge side of the pump would be a good idea no matter what.
Or another option - you can place a PVC cross fitting after the the pump. This cross is just that - a 4 four ported fitting. You could install a ball valve on one branch to feed fuge, a ball valve on one branch to feed display and one more ball valve on the last branch to simply divert water back to the sump. Then you could tweek each flow ( all three ) and balance everything out.
You'd be covered in most all cases here - and could go with the Mag12 using at least 1" piping/tubing.
This way - you may not create as much backpressure on the pump - in theory. But you may find that you have issues with bubbles in the sump. A Mag12 is a pretty high flowing pump.
How big a sump are you planning ?
How big a refugium ?
Estimated head pressure ?


Thank you guys...Sorry, I didn't get back to you sooner but I took your advise and went with at least a mag 9.5. Hopefully, I shouldn't need to steal to much for fuge and the guy I bought it from said he would do an exchange if It wasn't enough. Quick question to Broomer5, where did you get those flexible nozzles for your spray bar... Nobody at homedepot knows were I can get one... and if I'm not able to find one anywhere do you have and other solutions.. Thanks krux and brommer...


Active Member
You can buy these parts online.
Go to
type in the words
Flexible Ball Socket Joint Tubing & Accessories
You should be able to find several online places that sell them.
Good luck with your project buddyboy !!


Broomer Awesome I really appreciate that.. One quick question, I've been looking at the parts and I understand I need the Ball Socket Tubing; 3/4" (6") and also the round nozzle but can the ball socket tubing fit directly into a piece of threaded elbow pvc that I already have at the end of the spray bar or do I need that mpt connector to connect the two together. So basically does the one end of the ball socket tubing have female fitting or do i need to get the connector..
thanks buddyboy


first, you do not need the nozzle necessarily. i founbd it gave me too strong of a water jet on mine so i ended up removing it. unless you are trying to move a lot of water a great distance, the discharge from the end of the flex tube should be enough.
second, you will need the adapter for ball socket to thread, but they are cheap, like 2.50 or something. take the money you saved from the nozzles and put it into them.
if you are not entirely strapped for cash, you might just order a nozzle, and maybe also a fan nozzle, so that you can play with your water flow. you can always pop them back off, and it will give you a bit more flexibility if you ever change placement of things and need different water flow.
most of my lfs carry the stuff, you might see if you can get individual parts through one of yours, they might have them behind the counter for when they do setups. it would save you from needing to buy 4 nozzles at once. one place here even sells recycled (used) locline which is kind of nice.
if you arent finding it on boomers search just search for the word loc line and it is the first link (as of right now when i checked).