After spending some time on this website and many others, I have finally decided to use Broomer5' s circulation setup of a 75 gallon reef tank.. I have to say that after examining it and making a few modifications I was wondering if anyone including Broomer5 have suggestions on what type of magdrive to use on the return pump to feed the spray bar design using just the single lifereef prefilter/box with 700gph. Also, if i were to use a magdrive 7 as the return to my main tank and hooked up another return to my refuge using the same return pump ( which would be right next my sump) would that lower the water pressure and create an imbalance in the return to the main tank. I know i am not very well versed in the lingo but I think people who have used his design will understand what I am talking about.
thanks for any and all help,
thanks for any and all help,