Brothers stupidity


my brother thought he would be nice and suprise me by buying me a fish wile i was at work and aclimated it for 2 hours put it in the tank about an hour befor i got in. i get home he said i got you a fish i was happy till i went to see him and freeked he put a humma humma trigger in my dosil tank and the trigger made a meal out of my reef lobster. I removed the trigger and put him in my 75 gall. aggressive set up. butifull fish though he is only about 1&1/2 inches long. had to tell you all my disterbing news. :( :mad:


Active Member
SEATANK, Soo sorry to hear about your loss.
I think it is great your brother was thinking about you and bought you a fish, I'd tell him next time he decided to do it to wait til you can go and pick it out yourself or the very least wait til you get home to add it to the tank you would want it in... It sounds like he had good intentions.
Later Lisa :(


It was nice your brother was thinking of you, tell him next time to let you come with and pick the new one out.
He was just trying to please his brother. :D

king triton

New Member
Sorry about your loss.
How big do the lobsters get and are they good for starter tanks? Is there a min. gal. requirement?


I don't know about hers but I have had mine for a week and he hides all the time - in my book that makes him low on my list of favorites.. just fyi


they get about 4 inches and i would wait about 6month after it is up and running the only draw back is that they do hide all the time. i just could not believe he did that.