Brown Algae Overnight .......again!


well i got a new lighting system for my tank of a year and brown agae is everywhere! it grows over night, i scraped it last night like and then when i come home from school there is brown aglae already on the sand and glass! whats the problem? everything registers fine? i am going to post this in some of the other forums b/c i need help quick! its covered my rock and like i said it grows on the sand over night! what do i do!:nervous:


what type of water do you use ? what is your bio load at?
what kind of skimmer?


Possible causes are 1 of a few things. 1 your tank is getting to much REAL sun maybe from a window or something of that nature. 2 you are using tap water. 3 you don't have a protein skimmer and your nutrient levels are too high. 4 your lighting is of the wrong type of spectrum. These things can contribute to fast growing algea.


looks like excess nutrients causeing the bloom cuased by the intense new light
do a water change to take out nutrients using ro - do you have fish? what do you feed them? most of us over feed
beef up your clean up crew


well, i do add nutrients for my corals, (this is a 29 gallon) i add 7 drops of iodine just about every day and just about everyday i add a capful of calcium and 2 times a week i add stronium something it came in a kit, and the tank is by a window but i have a shade, i used the distilled water from wal-mart i think its RO/DI its called or something like that, ionly have my lights on for 8-9 hours a day on a timer, i feed flakes once a day and sometmies i feed flakes and frozen shrimp and i also add selcon a couple times a week and invert food, i have no skimmer, just the double filter that came with the tank at wal mart, and for the fish load i have 1 tomato clown, and 2 damsels, wow i hope that covers most of everything


Active Member
If you do frequent water changes you dont need to add anything to your tank. I have a 250 reef and just change 25 gallons everyother week and I dont add anything.


Active Member
I agree with dockery... Also, brown algae outbreaks like that are common right after changing lighting. Just let it go and it should subside, but a waterchange wouldn't hurt either.