Brown Algae Problem


Hey, a couple of weeks ago I wrote in a thread about a problem with brown algae. It had gone away for about 4 days or so and then overnight again it has sprout up, this time seems worse than before. I have had the tank set up for about 7 or 8 weeks now. Ammonia is at 0, Nitrites are at 0, Nitrates are at 10 ( trying to get that down is also becoming an issue seeing as I do a water change every week of about 5-10 gallons) Ph at 7.8 and Salinity is 1.020. I have a Cascade 1200 Filter and a Red Sea Prizm Protein Skimmer. I also recently purchased a Coralife lamp with the 10,000K lamp, atinic lamp, and lunar lights. Will this algae go away again by itself or should I do something to get rid of it? Any answers would be great, thanks.


Staff member
Do you have a reef tank? Are you using tab water or RO?
Likely the problem is diatoms and it will go away. How is your circulation throught the tank? Do you have any snails?


Yes I use tap water. I age it for a day or so. I have about 6 snails and 1 giant snail that is about 3 inches or so along with some blue legged hermits. Circulation is great, pretty strong throughout the whole tank. My salinity is low, I plan on doing another water change with a some extra salt to raise it up. How do I raise the pH? Thanks


Raise the PH with a Buffer. Kent makes a buffer that i use


ok thanks..yeah im using a sea chem buffer now to raise it to hoping it works..i hear thats what to do though so im trying that and i also added quite a few more snails..thanks for ur help everyone