Brown algae scum problem in nano


New Member
I am at my wit's end-My 12 gallon nano is plagued by a brown scum-like algae that totally envelopes the live rock and grows across the live sand. When scraped from the glass it comes off in sheets. On the rocks it takes on a hairlike quality. My lighting is limited to eight hours per day,temp is a constant 72 degrees and the only inhabitants are a single damsel, a pink shrimp goby and a few snails. Water changes are once a week, about 10 percent. The fish are fed sparingly twice a week. Three weeks ago I removed all of the live rock and scrubbed it clean, but alas the crud has returned. I am about ready to ditch the whole thing! Suggestions appreciated.


by the way, dont ditch it. its a common bacteria you have to get through. you prob need more circulation/water flow in your tank. it makes it hard for the algea to grab hold. it'll be fine once someone on here tells you exactly how to rid of it

kevin j

A couple of thoughts come to mind first off is what kind of water are you using? Is it tap or ro this would make a huge differance. I buy my ro from walmart becuase like you i use a small amount so i dont need to buy a ro unit.
Also for your flow you should have a powerhead on each side of the tank pushing the water across the tank that way you dont have dead spots.
I would also bump up your temp a little 72 seems a bit low though this wont help your problem your temp seems low non the less.
i hope this helps


New Member
Originally Posted by Naso140
what kind of power head/ water flow do you have?
I have a Cubemasters 12 gallon nano (yeah, I know it's crap) and am using the submersible pump supplied with it. It's quite small, in order to fit into the bulkhead, and is cranked up to maximum flow. Replacement suggestions? Also, I am using well water, has no additives other than what comes out of the ground. I should have mentioned earlier that the tank has been running for over six months. Tried the red slime remover, no luck. If I raise the temp, won't the crud grow faster?