Brown Algae

fla pat

New Member
Hi all, I have a 90 gal. with a wet/dry filter proten skimmer and a uv staralizer. I bought the tank off a guy in twon and moved it to my house. The tank cycled quickly because of the wet/dry already established. So the water checkes out fine.
I keep getting brown algae. I was under the impression that it would happen untill the tank fully cycled. It has been up little over four months now. And I have done three water changes of about 25 gal. each.
I have a flame angle and two domino damsle and a cleaner crab. all doing fine.
Question is, I thought the uv was to kill off algae in the water. I have no idea how old the uv staralizer is and was wanting to know if it is that the uv is old or something else?

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like can use the search feature above for past posts on the subject. There have been numerous posts on the subject. Diatoms and other algae problems are common with newly established systems and may be the result of moving your tank from one location to another. Also post additional info about your system...especially about your lighting/circulation/feeding....the more info available the easier it may be to help determine the source of your problem.
...and welcome to the forums...sounds like you picked up a nice aquarium...


If you only have one cleaner crab, you may want to invest in a full scale cleanup crew. Crabs and snails mainly. One crab in your tank can't keep up with the mess, but a full crew should help.

fla pat

New Member
Thnaks for the info:)
The snails I had in fresh we asexual and could not get rid of them are they the same in salt?