Brown Algae

tony p

New Member
I have 42 gallon hex with a clown, tang, neon goby, purple firefish, 4 crabs, turbo snails, nassaruis snails, astrea snails, cleaner shrimp, live sand and live rock.
In the morning I have very little algae on the sand, but in the evening I get a massive break out of brown algae all over my sand in the front of the tank. It seems to getting worse. What can I do?:help:


How long has your tank been set up? New tanks, of course, always have a brown algae outbreak after they've cycled. But, it sounds like your tank has been up and running for a while.
You could try one or all of the following:
1) Don't keep your lights on as long
2) Increase water flow to that area with a powerhead
3) If using tap water, could be phosphates creating the brown algae...try using purified water or RO/DI water for water changes. Or...
4) If it's a brown algae outbreak due to phosphates, there are phos busters at the LFS you could purchase. I've never tried these, but they are an option.
4) Some people may suggest getting an engineer goby. They move the sand around constantly and keep it pretty clean. Also, maybe a fighting conch.

tony p

New Member
My tank has been up and running for nine months. The brown algae on the top of my sand just started a month ago and is only bad in the late afternoon, so someone is cleaning up at night. Should I get more Hermit crabs and Astrea snails? What about more turbo snails? I only have 4 crabs & 10 of the Astrea snails. Is it true that you can get 1 crab per every gallon?