Brown Algae ???


I finished the cycle on my (30L)tank, and have about 12# of uncured fiji lr with live sand, haven't added any livestock to the tank yet, but one of the rocks has all kind of dark brown algae on it, it looks like the rock is rusting.Its all over the sand. Any suggestions as to what the best cleaners to get would be. Hermits, snails ?
I could be wrong but since you stated that your tank recently cycled......sounds like maybe you have diatom growth (a form of algae). Even though it is ugly as can be, it is a sign that your tank is maturing and over time green algae should start taking over. If you notice the diatoms are getting out of hand....siphon some of it out to keep it under control. I added some scarlets and blue-legs when my tank started growing diatoms...they kept it in balance. I added 2 emerald crabs shortly after that and together they are a mean-algae-eating-machine, hehe.
Hope this helps ya :)


My first attempt at keeping a sw tank began the same way and got out of control. I didn't find out until it was too late that it was my tap water and low lighting causing the problems. Hermit crabs, turbo and trochus snails will help. Extra circulation and some caulpera will also cut down the phosphates in your tank. Hopefully it's from the cycling and will eventually disappear when the beneficial algae appears. Good luck. By the way is that all the lr you're going to add to your tank? I have 55lbs in my 30 and wish I could fit more. It has really helped me this time around.
What striker said is a good question....what is your goal regarding live rock? I started with 15# and added 10# every 2 weeks. If you do add more, do it is stages to prevent spikes from any die-off. Your tank has just cycled and you don't want an ammonia spike due to die-off.
I have a 55L and i'm right now at 75# of Fiji live rock and 60# striker said, I too wish I could fit more :)


Thanks for the info. I don't know how many lbs of rock I'll put in. I don't really want a reef tank, but will be adding some more rock. I bought a large piece of Marshall lr (6 #) this morning to put in there. I think I'll just add a little at a time and stop when it looks good to me. I'll get some red legs and turbos Monday. Thanks again :)