brown algae


I have a new tank (125 gal)- water quality is: ph - 8.2 / amonia -0 nitrite 0 nitrate .25 / phosphate -0 . Salinity 1.021 I have two starter fish, tomato clown / flame hawkfish - both are doing very well, in the tank 25 days. Using a wet/dry with bio balls and a protien skimmer. The last week has seen an increase in brown algae. Right now Fish only, I did add a couple of snails and 6 hermit crabs
Using tap water- I'm in the process of adding nitralock to my filter. Apparently my tap water has silicates. Any advice?
Thank you


Active Member
Your salinity should be at 1.025 ppt and why are putting nitralock? The brown algae is probably diatom bloom that will eventually go away. You can use powerhead or more pumps to keep the diatoms from settling. Also use a brand new turkey baster to blow it off the rock and keep it in suspension and let the filter filter it out.