Brown Algae


My tank just started showing this algae. I just tested my phosphate and it's off the charts over 1.0. This explains my zoas closing up! I have a 125 gal with over 100lbs of LR. My water is RO/DI with TDS readings of 0. Trits and Trats are 0, dkh 9.5. salt 1.025.
I have only 3 fish, just recently lost a small sailfin and I mean lost literally, saw her one day gone the next! NO SIGN anywhere. Why would my phophates be so high? I feed every other day.



how old is your tank , how much do you feed , what do you feed , what salt do you use, tank temp , what filtration do you have , skimmer ????? need just a little more info


Originally Posted by tropills
how old is your tank , how much do you feed , what do you feed , what salt do you use, tank temp , what filtration do you have , skimmer ????? need just a little more info

tank is 7 months - feed every other day - feed frozen mysis - pellets - have a wet/dry with no bio balls - I have chaeto/Caocean saltulerpa macroalgae in sump, using a Amiracle protien skimmer, and Instant Ocean salt - temp 78-79


the pellet food is real high in nutrients, drop your feeding to 1 time a week, and don't over feed, if they eat all the mysis then that's good if they don't then your over feeding, all these fish we keep are cold blooded so they can go a week with no food if needed, their metabolism is kinda slow so they don't need constant feeding, so my advise is stop feeding the pellets, and only feed the mysis once a week only as much as they can consume in a minute at most, also make sure to rinse the frozen food after it thaws out, the water it's frozen in is REAL,REAL high in nutrients. also keep in mind their stomachs are ruffly the size of their eye. try this for a few weeks and keep up the normal maintenance routine and then recheck your levels. I'll bet they look a lot better.