brown algae

was it recently set up? If it was, then do not worry so much about it. Every new tank goes through the process of brown algae bloom in the beginning. However, if you continue on with good water changes they should gradually disappear. Just make sure you do not add any livestock into the tank since it seems like your aquarium is not mature yet. If the brown algae problem gets serious and does not dissappear, shorten the length of time of lightings and make sure you use r/o water for water changes.


Active Member
The brown you see is more than likely Diatoms. They feed off of silicates in your water. Once they deplete the supply , if not adding more of them, the brown diatoms will disapear.
If your adding water with silicates in them, they will stick around longer. RO water will help the problem go away by limiting the silicates your adding with evap and water changes.