Brown Algae?


I have this brown/maroon fuzzy algae all over my sand and on rock layers 1-3. The 4th layer of rock (the top) seems to be largely immune. My zoo frag (~30 polyps) is at the bottom and refuses to open anymore....probably as the algae is creeping onto it.Everything else seems to be unaffected. See my attached camera phone picture that I just took. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Well from the picture it looks lika cyano outbreak. But pictures are hard to really tell. Is it hard and crusty or soft and spongy, does it lift up like a mat?
If it is hard and crusty and won't scrape off with your fingernail, it is a red coraline and a good thing. If it is spongy/slimey or comes up like a mat it is cyano. Since you said it's on the sand, I'm guessing cyano.
If it is cyano....Phosphates and low water flow are the main causes, too much overfeeding, bad/old bulbs are other reasons for it. The cure is to stop over feeding, increase the water current to the area and do water changes to remove the phosphates, running purigen or something like it will help as well. Remove as mush as you can with a turkey baster (Mark it FISH ONLY) replace the bulbs in your light if it is old and turn them off for a day or so.
If you don't address the cause it will come right back after you remove it. Even if you use Red slime remover or turn off the lights.


Active Member
Yep, I would emphasize finding the source of phosphates or silicates. So what are you using for water and are you running carbon?


Originally Posted by GeoJ http:///forum/thread/384020/brown-algae#post_3362775
Yep, I would emphasize finding the source of phosphates or silicates. So what are you using for water and are you running carbon?
I have been using tap water for water changes and topping off, though my last water change (two weeks ago) was with RO water from Walmart. The last 10 gallons of topping off has been with RO water from Walmart. I run carbon in the media container that goes with my Emperor 280. My water quality is quite good. I feed a whole cube of frozen Mysis shrimp to my tank once every 24-36 hours. I have 2 clowns, 1 CB, a cardinal, and a Flame Hawk, as well as a BTA and 4 hermit crabs. Do you think one cube is too much for these animals?


Active Member
"Do you think one cube is too much for these animals?" Test nitrate to find your answer.
Test the phosphates... All the carbon I have used produce large amount of phosphates .
We hope the RO does not have silicate. Keep using the RO if it is working for you. If you get a brown slime algae then change to distilled or RO/DI.

It will take some time for the slime algae to run out of food. If you can get the phosphates below 1 ppm the slime will have it hard...