brown alge starting!! help

salt one

ok, for the last week i started to see brown alge taking place of my coraline alge, i tested everything, everything was normal. the brown alge had bubbles in it, why? what can i do to stop it?


Hi Salt, how olds your tank? By the sounds of it, if you have good coraline it is fairly mature.
Possibly nutrient increase - more fish, more feeding, less skimming???
What changes have you made lately? New lights, different salt??
It can take up to a year for a tank to go through all the stages of it's different algae.
More info please!!!

salt one

the tank is about a year and a half old, and its pritty mature, i have alot of coraline alge and i still have alot but i want to stop the brown alge from growing anymore.
No new fish
feeding had not changed
skimming, well i have never really gotten my skimmer to do much, it never really has anything in the collection cup.
my light has not changed, but its kinda low on watts
maybe my amount of light is a problem, how long should the light be on?
i have always used the same salt since i started the tank, thanks


If the algae has just started, it sounds like something has in the tank in it's favour. Nitrates is the obvious thing but it could be a multitude of things - icreased CO2, lowered calcium the list is virtuall endless and identifying it could be virtually impossible. Coraline inhibits other algae so if that is suffering it could be leaving the way open for the brown algae. Is it cyanobacteria?