Brown Algea


New Member
I have a 90gal with alot of live rock that is all covered with brown algea. This ruins the look of the rock. What is it and how do I get rid of it. I have noticed that it has appeared ever since I hooked up two 150 watt MH lights???? I also get it on the surface of the sand.


Active Member
How long has the tank been up? The brown algae is most likely Diatoms, this is normal for a young tank. Do you have good water circulation throughout the tank? How long do you keep your lights on? Use RO/DI water only, don't overfeed and have a good cleanup crew. It should pass.
Also do 10% weekly water changes. :D


New Member
The tank is about 2 years going, i use r/o d/i water, i have 2 powerheads and one rotating powerhead towards the bottom of the tank. I have been reading up on the diatoms and i think it might be my lights. I have read that one common problem is that the spectrum of the bulbs might be running out. What do you think?


New Member
Also I have about 4 mexican turbos and 5 blue legs. A horseshoe crab, sand-sifter starfish and two sea urchins. My MH lights are on for 8 hours and my 10,000k and blue light are on for 12.


Active Member
Depending on the age of the bulbs, they may have to be replaced. Cut back on the light time and don't overfeed. As long as the water parameters are okay it should pass. :D
You might want to get scarlt hermis, nassarius snails and a few emeralds to beef up the cleanup crew. :D