Brown Algea


New Member
In my 10 gal nano I have some brown algea growth along the top of my LS and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get ride of it. I'm thinking about purchasing a skarlet skunk shrimp, and when the problem is resolved transfering him to my 55 gal. Any ideas on what I can add?


I've got a queen conch that does a good job of eating it and also sifting the sand around as she moves... Also I have some hermit crabs who kinda pick at it... About the only thing that work really well is I when I'm doing water changes I skim the sand a bit with the suction and lift it out.


New Member
the tank has been set up for about a month know but when a freind of mine started his 30 gal he never ran into any brown algea? I am running a lot of different types of LR in my tank though. Well thanks for the replies, and what size tank do you have your queen conch in?


Active Member
You have diatoms....... normal for a young tank. Once it uses up all the silicates in the water column, it will start to dissapear. :D


I have had this prob while setting up a new tank and I just increased my water changes and then my problem was fixed. I only have that problem when my nitrates are high.



Originally posted by Jonathan
I have had this prob while setting up a new tank and I just increased my water changes and then my problem was fixed. I only have that problem when my nitrates are high.

I had this problem and my ammonia was 0, nitrites was 0 and nitrates < 10. Water changes didn't help, actually water changes made it worst! But it is starting to fade now which is a good thing.


New Member
good news my snails finally started doing there job and it is starting to go away slowly. thanks all for the help