I have a new 125 that has fully cycled on LR for 5 weeks now. All tests are 0. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. PH is 8.3. temp 79. I have two clowns 3 anenomes and a TON of other little plants and stuff on the LR. My problem is this brown algea that started off as a light DUSTING and is now getting heavy. I have 5 Astrea snails that are doing a great job on about 5 big rocks but the rest of the tank is absolutly covered. I have heard that this first tank algea will die off and go away but this stuff doesn't want to go. My lighting is two 50/50's and two regular 6600K whites and I only turn them on for 8 hours a day. Any help would greatly be appreciated. P.S. i have tested my freshwater for nitrates, it is 0. Also I have a Berlin skimmer for phosphates but have never tested it. Thanks in advance.