brown algea


I have a new 125 that has fully cycled on LR for 5 weeks now. All tests are 0. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. PH is 8.3. temp 79. I have two clowns 3 anenomes and a TON of other little plants and stuff on the LR. My problem is this brown algea that started off as a light DUSTING and is now getting heavy. I have 5 Astrea snails that are doing a great job on about 5 big rocks but the rest of the tank is absolutly covered. I have heard that this first tank algea will die off and go away but this stuff doesn't want to go. My lighting is two 50/50's and two regular 6600K whites and I only turn them on for 8 hours a day. Any help would greatly be appreciated. P.S. i have tested my freshwater for nitrates, it is 0. Also I have a Berlin skimmer for phosphates but have never tested it. Thanks in advance.

mr . salty

Active Member
I keep raving about Coral-Vite. Here I go again. I started using this stuff on my 125 and all the brown was gone in a week. Plus the live rock is thriving now. Lots of new grouth.Try it,You'll like it. I know your tank will........STEVE



Originally posted by MR . SALTY:
I keep raving about Coral-Vite. Here I go again. I started using this stuff on my 125 and all the brown was gone in a week. Plus the live rock is thriving now. Lots of new grouth.Try it,You'll like it. I know your tank will........STEVE

Thanks Steve I'll give it a go. Don

mr . salty

Active Member
I'm looking at getting a new skimmer for my 125 setup. The one I'm using now is out of my 40 hosp. What are you using in your BIG tank?????????????STEVE


I'm using the new Berlin "hang-on". It good for up to a 250 gallon tank. It's venturi air injection. 110 gallons per hour. I use a Mag 7 to drive it and I hang it on my sump so it's out of site. Works great so far.

mr . salty

Active Member
How much money you got in it? Is it noisey? I need to buy something this weekend.And really dont have a clue. STEVE


It cost $200 new and is very quiet. I took a piece of glass and slid it between the bottom of the sump and the return water so it dosen't make any splashing noise either. Also another question on the Coral-Vite. Who makes it/(Brand)
Thanks again, Don


Steve, I gave the tank a dose of Coral-Vite this morning. I'm sure it will do GREAT. Thanks again, Don