Brown and Green algae in tank


I have just noticed brown algae all over our rocks and some on the sand too in our tank & there is a bit of green algae on the top of the rocks, the tank hasnt cycled yet.
I was wondering what to do about this? Is it something I need to worry about?
Any help appreciated


Don't worry about it right now. The important thing is to let your tank cycle. If you have your lights on, turn them off. Having them on during the cycle will do nothing for the tank (except help algae grow!!!
) When the cycle is complete you can start building your cleanup crew.


Active Member
The brown algea covering the sand are diatoms and its a normal occurance for a new tank set up. It may get worse before it gets better, but it will get better on its own. Good Luck.


We had the brown algae too when our tank cycled and it just disappeared. We did add a CUC (Clean up Crew) at about midpoint in the cycle and those turbo snails went to town on the brown Algae. (Not sure if they ate it or just stirred it up.) Once ammonia and nitrite levels were about zero the we considered tank cycled. Our tank is NOW crystal clear. We did add a bag of phosban and charcoal to the sump along with a poly filter to clear out metals etc.