brown banded cat shark



Can you have 2 of these sharks together? :thinking:


Most people on this forum would say that sharks are really only for the expert hobbyist/zoos/aquariums. There are plenty of other interesting and aggressive fish that are smaller and more suitable for the home aquarium. :)
As per your question, I'd imagine it's possible, but I really wouldn't recommend it.


Active Member
Sure you can have them together...given a big enough tank.
Even when their first born, you can tell what --- sharks are. Male and a female would be fine. Two of the same --- and you'd have problems.

hawk fish

i know im going to get bombed for this but i bought a shark egg from LFS and hatched very next day in my 29 gallon..he got to about 2 feet long with in 12 months thats when i told myself it was time for him to go...getting new one next week got a 135 cycling now and 50 LR..think thats enough for him and a mexican ray...???(im not very smart...FED THE SHARK BY HAND SINCE BIRTH!!! always either big krill or saltwater minnows


Active Member
not to be mean but you should have learned from you first experience that sharks shouldnt be housed in anything less than 200 gallon tanks.. and you also want to put a stingray in there with him?
please tell me this is a joke, if not please dont get the shark or the stingray! there is no room for either of them in that small of a tank


Active Member
hes not spoiled.. a 135 is too small for a shark IMO 210 minimum. You should never have bought a shark egg for a 29!!


Active Member
hawk fish your calling 135 small
yes thats exactly what im saying when it comes to keeping sharks and rays.. a 135 just wont cut it..
its not about being spoiled, noone should buy big fish if theyd ont have a big tank...
not trying to sound mean..

hawk fish

actully had the sharkegg hatch in my 90 reef but then started to dig so moved it out...sorry for the complaint...just saying that i will get rid of it when it gets too big...


Active Member
thats what everyone says but whehn it is too big its hard to find a home for it and who is really gonna want a shark besides sme crazy aggresive people with huge tanks like us?


Active Member
Where are you going to "get rid of it?"
Certainly don't count on an aquarium. Where I worked we had dozens...and what the heck to do with them all!?!?!?
A 3 foot shark (and BTW, they grow FAST) will need a big tank, and there are not a lot of people with tanks large enough and suitable. Large FO tanks often have incompatible fish (such as triggers or large angels).