Brown Bird Wrasse


New Member
I recently got one of these for my tank. She's certainly the most active thing in there and seems ok for the time being. Problem is that I've heard they grow crazy big. I only have a 24 unfortunately. Do they really grow big? The guy at the shop said that if you keep fish in smaller tanks they don't grow as much, but that seems to be just plain wrong. I guess I'd just like to be sure about her before I give her back. Nothing has died yet, but I don't want to reach that step.


Brown bird and green bird wrasses are very active fish that need lots of swimming room. I had a 6 incher in my 100 gallon and it used every inch of room. I would return the fish to the store because the guy that sold you it doesn't know what he is talking about. A 24 gallon tank is extremely small for this fish.