brown bud like things?


New Member
I am sure many sebae anemone questions have been posted before but I have to ask, I purchased my sebae just over a week ago, it seemed to be doing fine about 6 days, then closed up and developed these strange brown bud like things on its base, does anyone know what these are? He has been shrunk for two days which I understand is too long but today some of his tentacles have started to inflate so I am reluctant to remove him just yet. However, I don't want to leave him in too long and risk my fish. Can anyone advise?

mr . salty

Active Member
In my experiance there will be no doubt in your mind when he dies. He will shrink into a very small ball.STEVE


it may be splitting in half(good thing) but rare thing in captivity... what are all the specs of your tank???? ph, salinaty, trates, ect.... could be poor water,,, or starving to death,,, what do you feed him??? how are the water currents??? they do not like strong currents....