brown debris all over LR!!


Hey I'm having a huge problem with my tank all of a sudden. It is cloudy and there is all of a sudden a ton of brown debris covering my LR ahhhh

I don't know what happened it was all good exept the aptasia problem which is now slowly dissappearing thanks to my peppermints! But I'm telling you it looks like we covered them in a thick mud! what should we do? rinse them in the dirty water when we do a water change later? where did it come from and what is it? any ideas would be great! Oh and the sand is perfectly clean! should I get some snails? I always have a problem with them cause they tip over or fall off the glass then die! it's drives me nuts!? what are the best things to get for this problem?



Here is the best pic I can get of the brown crap everywhere! and if you can see what is this other thing in the middle of the pic? Looks like a hitchiker of some sort? I already know I have aiptaisia thx


I had a similar problem, a tried many things to get rid of it but turbo snails was the best at cleaning the rocks...


Thanks I'm goin to the lfs store shortly I only have 1 turbo right now so I'll have to pick up a few more! do u know what that anenome thing is in the middle of the pic?


Yes, that one is a pseudocorynactis sp.
Or as referred to on this board, a carribean mushroom.
like this one.


It is not bad... It is a nocturnal hitch-hiker, and little else is known about them.