brown film on top of tank?


Active Member
water lower it crystal clear, but at the very top or surface there is a brown filth or film covering it... anyone have any ideas?


Originally Posted by SilverDak
water lower it crystal clear, but at the very top or surface there is a brown filth or film covering it... anyone have any ideas?
Do you have a protein skimmer? what size tank? water parameters?


Active Member
no i dont have a protein skimmer... maybe time to invest?? nothing as far as parameters is off or weird, nitrates are like 10 (give or take) and I have a water change coming up mid week... ammonia is 0 nitrites are 0 ph is holding at 8.2


I would try to invest in a skimmer. That might be your problem. Also what kind of water are you using? (I.E. tap, RO, RO/DI)


Active Member
What skimmer do you wanna get silverdak? I don't think there are too many out there for a Biocube 14.


Active Member
Well I have seen those and heard they are junk not worth even the $30 bucks that they are
Hopefully if you get one though it will work well for you. I was hoping you knew of one that worked well in our tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Well I have seen those and heard they are junk not worth even the $30 bucks that they are
Hopefully if you get one though it will work well for you. I was hoping you knew of one that worked well in our tanks.
a buddy of mine says they work fine for the 14's but not too great for the 29's... so hopefully??
the flow in the tank is stock so to speak, I dont have any powerheads, but from the looks of it the surfaces moves plenty


Active Member
Just so you have an idea, in my 14, I have a Maxijet 900 in place of the stock pump and a koralia 1. I am thinking of getting a nano or another 1. I think with higher flow all the corals look really nice swaying in the current. Currently I have my return pointed towards the surface to agitate it, and the k1 is pointed lower to help with current down near the substrate.


I had the same problem I fixed it by pointing the water flow at the top so it would mix it, after a couple of days it went away.. I did do a water change after though.. just my .02