Originally posted by doodle1800
Thats interesting - I was thinking just the opposite with the discoloration - so thanks!
Anemones use symbiotic zooanthellae to get energy/nutrition via photosynthesis. Naturally, zooanthellae is light brown in color. Some anemones have color pigment in their tissue, some don't. A really happy, healhty anemone will always have some color to it... either light brown (the color of the zooanthellae if it has no color pigment), or the color of the pigment in their tissue. As their health declines, anemones will first lose the color pigment, turning them a light brown. If their health continues to decline, the zooanthellae will also lose it's color, turning the amenome very pale.
If you've been around the board for a while, you've probalby heard the term "bleaching". Bleaching is a loss of color due to poor health. I suspect your anemone was bleached due to malnutrition from the LFS, but now that it's under good light (and possibly being spot fed???), it's starting to recover. The zooanthellae is regaining it's color.
As I said before... I take this to be a good sign. BUT, and this is a big but, I only have a little experience with Condis, and it was 4 years ago when I first got into the hobby - way before I knew what I was doing. Basically, everythign I've said in this thread is a generalization from what I know about other types of anemones, especially my experience with carpet anemones.