brown hair algae


I have one question, how do I make it go away? I've been cutting the time of my metal halide to 3 hours a day with some effect, but my rocks still look hairy. I do 15% water changes every two weeks and all my water readings are normal. I have a decent clean up crew with blue legs/scarlets, 6 turbos, 3 emeralds, 3 monsterous nassarius snails and a couple cerith snails coming soon. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this?


there are some easy steps to make it go away, first lets find out what caused it. When you say your readings are "normal" what are they exactly? Most importantly, what are your nitrates and phosphates reading exactly? What size tank? Are you usuing RO or RO/DI water? Bringing your light cycle down to a few hours a day is a good idea if light was the problem, but its most likely the cause of another culprit..