brown hitch hiker crabs?!?!


well my tank has been up for 3 months and is doing excellent. I have several brown crabs that came in w/ the LR. They are starting to get large, one has gotten 1" across shell. since I just did a hard drive format, I dont have my digital camera software installed to post a pic.
ANyone have similar crabs and are they harmfull? They appear to be feeding on algae, which is minimal in my tank, or they are feeding on the coraline algae, cant tell. Any ideas??


Joker, can you describe it better than brown crab. Any other characteristics that would help identify it (ie, emerald crab shaped, sally light foot shaped, hairy, not hairy, in a shell like a red legged hermits or not).
I see you live in Fl. By chance did you buy your LR from a wholesaler or LFS labeled as gulf rock, aka Florida LR?


yeah it is gulf rock.
The crab is a drab brown, with hairs on its legs. The shell is like a regular crab, however it has points on it. The large claws appear to be cupped on the tips, not standard points.
That's it!! I am going to load digi camera software and post a pic. Will be a little while.


ok here is the pic. Let me know if you need another. I'll catch the little devil, and take another.


Looks like a red mithrax. I have at least 3 in my tank. They came on GV rock and just graze on algae. One of mine has gotten up to a few inches across.