brown jelly disease please help!!!


i just bought a frogspawn coral ill upload pics but it wa fine yesterday, well just didnt look as bad as it does now, and this morning covered in this smelly brown stuff that ate most of its tentacles (all gone) now it is in the water does it spread to other corals!?!?!?!?!?


It can.
There is no benefit of leaving the infected heads in your tank, they will not recover.
Remove the coral, if any heads do not look affected, then break off the ones that are, and check it often for new heads to look affected.
Ps, if any of it IS salvage-able, then an iodine dip is the best dip for it. (as that is a bacteria targeted dip)

black cobra

I've had the worst luck with Frogspawn. Bought it on 3 different occassions and all thre times within a day or 2, brown jelly wiped out all the heads. This was on my last tank. Hoping this next go around is a different story.