Brown Jelly Disease


I am beginning to think that my hammer coral has brown jelly. It has brown stringgy stuff around the outside edge that kind of floats around the coral. It is very easy to remove but the brown stuff comes back minutes after I clean it off. The coral's polyps seem to be retracting towards the center and you can see about 1/2" of the skeleton around the edge of the coral.
How do I treat for brown jelly and is it safe to treat even if I'm not sure thats what it is??


Active Member
take a look at this thread, look for my post. Look at both links there. It could just be waste, but I dont think so. Maybe try to post in the disease and treatment forum also. The skeleton showing could be related or another problem. I am not an expert--just know what I have read, which isn't much. List how old the tank is and your lighting, that could help others that chime in.


Active Member
Edit for myself---there is only 1 link and a copy/paste of an old one---you'll understand when you read my post there.


Water Params are:
Temp - 79.8
S.G - 1.024
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 1
pH - 8.1
Alk - 4.4
Phosphate - 0.2
Silicate - 0
Calcium - 440
Lighting is 260watt PC