Brown jelly disease


I have a wall frogspawn that I've had for over a year. Over the last week, if noticed it rapidly receding and thought it was due to my parameters which have been a bit low. I asked a local reefer to take it for me to see if he could nurse it back to health. I was informed today that it has brown jelly disease and he asked permission to frag it, which I told him to go ahead.
My question is, I have other lps, hammer, button, octospawn and torch corals and as I moved the frog from my 180 to the 55, should I treat them with a few dips even though they look fine? I've changed the flow in both tanks.


New Member
As someone once stated and I agree 100%... If it is not broke, don't fix it! If all the other corals are not showing any sign of health issues, leave them alone! A coral inflicted with Brown Jelly, a simple cut off and removal of the infected part should rectify the problem. The only thing with performing this procedure is to ensure that when cutting it off, you cut into the healthy tissue of the coral to ensure all the brown jelly is removed!


Thanks for the reply. I have left the other corals alone as they do look ok. Apparently my frogspawn is healing nicely from the frag and dip. I should have it back by the end of the week!


I lost the frog. Apparently the brown jelly was under most of the tissue. The fellow reefer fragged it a couple of times as it kept receding. Makes me sad as this was one of my first corals, was not like other frogspawns and was huge when fully inflated. I guess it happens though..:sad:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bubblegurl http:///t/392615/brown-jelly-disease#post_3488345
I lost the frog. Apparently the brown jelly was under most of the tissue. The fellow reefer fragged it a couple of times as it kept receding. Makes me sad as this was one of my first corals, was not like other frogspawns and was huge when fully inflated. I guess it happens though..
