Brown Sand.


I have my 29 gallon Tank for a while now and my sand is turning Brown. I was wondering why it is and how I can fix this and how long it will take to become normal. I am assuming lighting is the problem, but I barely put them on until I get some coral.
Lighting : 65 w pc actinic
65 w pc 10,000 k
Before my tank cycled I filled it with tap water and conditioned it before adding the salt. After my tank had cycled, I used bottled water to top off and have been doing so for a while. I do not keep my lights on that much...I hardly turn them on during the week and on the weekends, I turn them on for about 8 or 9 hours. I have 35 lbs of lr, 3 turbo snails and 3 hermit crabs along with a cleaner shrimp and 2 percula clowns.
I also looked through the threads for this problem but gave up after looking for a while.


Not Too sure... I've had the Live Rock for a while now and it used to be brown but have now changed to purple and green. There is a lot of live things on it also. I'm still wondering why the sand is brown though


Another post on here about the same thing, another user said lack of movement in the water, thus you would need a power head. Read the New Post for today....


Yeah I don't think it's the movement. I got two powerheads in there right now with a Bio-Wheel meant for tanks up to 100, and A Protein Skimmer for up to 100 g too...I got plenty of flow and movement in there.


What are your water parameters? How often do you do water changes? You may have high phosphates due to tap water.


New Member
excuse me I hate to butt in but I have a bunch of little white things floating in my tank What Are They?


Well accasionally i have these tiny white things that cling to the glass, but other than that no. I am going to do a water change today...
My Water Parameters are good accept my alk is high.


brown stuff is probably diatoms. do a search on them.
As for the white things ..... could be anything. not too specific there.