brown slime


I have this brown slime looking stuff in my tank. I have cleaned it off my rocks and the sand but it comes back and seems to ooze from under the sand. It is all over the place and if left alone it seems to develop into green algae that is sort of stringy and continues to grow until it covers even when removed. What is this and how do I get rid of it? The stuff just grows as I watch!!


I believe you have green and red hair algaes growing in your tank. You might want to check the phosphate and nitrates levels in your tank. This might be your problem in this case. If thats is your problem, you might want to do 10% water changes everyother day, with RO/DI water. If you don't do it with RO/DI water you might be putting phosphates and nitrates back into your tank.


I have changed the water once per week, per month, bi-weekly, etc.. The phosphates are testing normal. No high levels of phosphates or nitrates. That is what makes this problem so strange to me.


New Member
How about lighting? What kind, photoperiod, etc. ... What kind of clean-up crew? Just a couple thoughts.