Brown spots on LInkia



I have a Red Linkia starfish that is not doing so well. I have had it for about 18 months. It has developed brown spots on it's arms, as well as it seems to be shrinking. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Well lets start with how big your tank is and how much rock do you have. If you have had the star for that long, it sounds like you have a lot of rock but lets see what you have first.


Active Member
once starfish start looking bad, they usually die. there is nothing u can really do. starfish are really hard to keep alive. u need perfect water quality.


The tank has been set up for 6+ years. I have about 250 pounds of rock. Losts of rock and sand.


Active Member
From our friends at wet web media.
"-The incredible shrinking Linckia-
I have a blue Linckia that is orange in color. <Isn't that an oxymoron? :) > I have had it for over six months. She moves around actively has no sores of any sort. The problem is that she keeps getting smaller and smaller, I feel that she may be starving what can I do, I don't want to lose her? <Unfortunately, this is all too common with Linckia stars, especially larger ones. Since their diet consists of mainly microfauna, it takes a pretty large and well established tank to keep them truckin'. You can hand feed them by placing bits of seafood (got any sponge based marine angel food?) on the substrate in front of it's path or literally drop it right on top. Try this a few times per week or more. Good luck! -Kevin>"