Brown Spots on my Chromis


New Member
I've recently got a green chromis from my LFS and he appears to have brownish/red blotches about the size of his scales on his body (about 2 blotches on his right and 3 on his left). You really have to look hard to see these blotches but I'm worried that something's wrong with it? This little chromis seems to be getting picked on a bit by his bigger "brother" but the little guy doesn't seem to have any frayed fins. I figured if these spots were wounds from an attack that his fins would be frayed. Anybody have any ideas on what could be causing this? I'm thinking a bacterial infection from possible wounds. I'm not sure if that sounds reasonable. If it is a bacterial infection I'm not sure what I could treat it with since my tank has only been setup for 3 weeks. This should be a tough question to get you guys thinking. Thanks in advance for your help.
Update: The fish appears to be scraping a lot. Whenever he's not scraping he just sits in a corner and twitches. It's very strange. Please help me out with this. I'm really worried about my fish and the overall health of my tank.