Brown spots on Yellow Tag


New Member
We have a 180 gallon reef tank that has been up and stable for several years. Recently, we introduced a Naso Tang and that is where I trouble started. We have a purple tang that showed white spots all over its body. We are working on treating him in a hospital tank. Now, the yellow tang has reddish brown spots primarily towards the back of his body near the tail. He does have some on his top fins, but much less. Can anyone help me determine what might be wrong with this tang. I am afaid to add him to the hospital tank (45 gallon) for fear I may introduce another disease or parasite. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I am very partial to these fish as we have had them for more than 5 years! Please help...


we need a better description of these brownish spots. I'm leaning either towards "black ich" a ectopic parasite or scabs from fight wounds.
So a pict or a better description of the problem will help. Are the spot symetrical, raised, any redness around them, anything else?
did you notice any agression toward the yellow tang from the naso or purple?


New Member
My yellow tang did not make it. It not only had the brownish red spots, but it developed a slime on its body. I have noticed now that other fish in my tank have this slime, but not brownish red spots. I have done a third water change. Should I continue with water changes on a regular basis, every other day. Please let me know what you think.


I was always under the impression that Brown or beige slime on fish was more like a velvet disease. The fish dying quickly sort of points in this direction. Can a fish have Ich and at the same time velvet disease?