Brown Spots on Yellow Tang


Yesterday, I purchased some already-cured LR from my lfs. I did some rearranging of my existing rock, to accommodate the new rock.
My Yellow Tang didn't seem to take to kindly to my moving his home around....he developed large brown spots on both of his sides, with a bright white stripe down the center of each. I assumed this was a natural response, since the spots were symmetrical.
This morning, he is doing fine....the brown spots are gone, and he is feeding like nothing ever happened, as are my other fish (2 green chromis' and a clean-up crew).
I tried to find some info on what these brown spots may be, but searching this forum for threads that contain "brown" and "Yellow" brings up a ton of hits. So, I was hoping someone out there in SW land could give me an idea of what this is/was.


My yellow tang does that very thing every night when the lights go out. When the lights come on in the morning, it goes away. I don't know what the mood change is that causes it, but it is totally natural.


Active Member
All right, I get to feel smart for once!!!!!:jumping: Wat happened to the Yellow Tang was a clear emotion showing physical signs of "stress". Some fish will turn pale, others different colors. If u have a lo foxface, they turn all splotchy and ucky. Yellow tangs have little brownish spots around where their internal organs are, and they always have that white stripe, it just becomes clear wen they are stressed. Nothing to be worried about, just like wen u get scared, ull turn plae or sumthing. Natural thing, totally OKAY. I would be a little freaked out if a giant hand reached into my home and began to movve things around, and I think ud all agree. Yay, my self esteem just went up TWO POINTS!!
LOL, have a nice day



Originally posted by Chandler04
Yay, my self esteem just went up TWO POINTS!!
LOL, have a nice day

Well, Chandler, I'm glad I could make your day