Brown spots


New Member
I have brown spots on the sides of my tank and on the bottom, the tank is a 10 gal and is 3 weeks old 1- damsel, 4.5 # of live rock
biowheel filter-corallife 28 watt lite I would like to know what this is and is it dangerous thankyou Bill


Active Member

Originally posted by williamat
I have brown spots on the sides of my tank and on the bottom, the tank is a 10 gal and is 3 weeks old 1- damsel, 4.5 # of live rock
biowheel filter-corallife 28 watt lite I would like to know what this is and is it dangerous thankyou Bill

Those are diatoms and are a result of the end of your tank cycle.. not dangerous and soon will turn or rather be taken over by green algrae... If you want it eated buy a few snails ... they'll clean it up in no time...