brown stuff


New Member
I'm having a problem with, I think brown algae. I've got a 55 gallon tank with 2 skilter filters-model 400(filters 400 gph, for aquariums up to 100 gallons. SeaClone protein skimmer- up to 100 gallons,2 powersweep poweheads-160 gph, 1 aquaclear powerhead-270 gph.Fifty pounds LR and crushed coral on bottom of tank. 4 clownfish, 4 chromis, 1 blenny, 1 royal gramma, 15 to 20 nassarious snails, 1 margarita snail, 2 bumblebee snails,10 to 15 turbo snails. Lighting Aqualight 260 watt. Cut back on lighting because of red slime. Finally used red slime remover, seems to have disappeared, took out rocks and brushed with tooth brush and now this brown stuff all over bottom of tank and on rocks. HELPPPPPP!!!!


I am guessing you have had this set up for too brief a time, like two months, and you have overloaded the animal livestock and fed too much for the maturity of the tank. Try suctioning the mess out with a syphon tube [at least twice a week for a month], feed half as much, and if there are no corals you can cut down on the lighting period. When you eliminate the protein waste nutrients in your water, nuisance algae, slime and diatoms go away.
Water changes and reducing the number of animals would also be beneficial. The protein skimmer should eliminate the problem's food source, but you may just need to help it out.
William Fisher


I had a problem with brown alge for about two weeks and all my snails loved it but it slowly whent away.:happy: