Brown wafer algae


New Member
Just to offer some input if others ever have this problem.
I was having a bad bout with brown wafer algae, my
wife was using a stick and fingernail to try and pull off as
much as possible, but this seemed to be a loosing battle.
I had heard on the forum that the only thing that would eat
it was a Naso Tang. After much debate, as I really didn't
want another fish, decided to have LFS order me a small naso.
Put him in the tank and I swear within 10 seconds he was already nibbling on it.
We have had him for about 2 weeks and while he has a long way to go, I definitely see some improvement.
The Naso will definitely outgrow our 75g, but I will address
that when the time comes.
Just to let you know that for us the Naso seems to be doing
a great job on this nuisance algae.
Ours had spread to all the LR and removing all to clean was not a appealing option.


Active Member
Tangs love to eat alage, just put in a piece of lr covered in hair alage from my sons tank to my tank and my yellow tang was eating off it within 3 minutes.


Is brown wafer algae, aka lobophora, good or bad. What does it mean if you have it in your tank. I noticed a few months back that I have some spots. How concerned should I be?