Brown Water Help

the puerco

New Member
I went to work this morning and the water was crystal clear in the most part, but when i came back from work the tank looks pretty clowdy brownish, i hat the tank set up for 6 Wks now and have 2 clowns in it after the tank cycle.... fish look ok but i do not get what is going on.... the readings look ok .... got 125#LR and 110#LS 4 PH and a Sump.... what do i need to do.... it goes thru my mind a water change but i only have 15 GLs of water ready since i get my water from my LFS... What is it and what should i do?


Active Member
Is is actually the water that is brownish or cloudy or is there a type of algae on the glass rocks and substrate, in a new tank diatom algae is very common it is brownish colored and like dust, it settles on everything and makes the water look dirty but really it is just on the glass and everything else. You say the readings look ok but it would help if you would list all results for: Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, alk, and phosphate if you have a test for it.