


starting to get brown algae on my c.c.does this mean my cycle is almost done? is it time to think about a cleanup crew for my algae? how does 6 turbo snails sound? what else should i get for my FO no live rock,just some decorative corals?


would i be able to get by with 3 blue leg hermits,3 scarlet hermits, and 5 turbo snails? remember, my tank has NO live rock. just a few decorative corals with crushed coral sub.


what are the readings brown alge is a indication
but water quality is more important.
How long has it been set up?


Active Member
How big is your tank? This will determine the amount of snails and hermits you can have. And yes the brown algea which is called diatoms is a sign that you cycle is nearly finished.


my tank is a 55gal. only cycling 2 weeks with 4 damsels.


Active Member
I would reccommend more snails. 5 hardly seems enough for a 55 gallon. Probably around 25 would be a better number IMO. You could probably have more hermits too if you want.


New Member
In fresh water the snails multiplied like crazy. In salt warter is this different? Also will the two puffers a new guinea and porcuppine eat the snails Gretchen


what about the brown algae or diatoms? will this go away by itself or should i seriously be looking for a crew like now!


The diatom will go away if your water quality is good, you're not overfeeding, and your lighting is not excessive. Puffers will eat snails. Love em.


Active Member
Originally posted by Gretchen:
<strong>In fresh water the snails multiplied like crazy. In salt warter is this different? </strong><hr></blockquote>
I have had success in having a couple of my saltwater snails breed but saltwater snails don't multiply nearly as fast as freshwater snails do.


Active Member
angel ...
Lighting a 55 gallon FO tank with NO live rock for 12 hours is excessive in my opinion.
If you want to reduce the chance for algae to grow, you can easily reduce your lighting duration.
I've got a low load 30 gallon FO tank that I light for a couple few hours in the evening ... and it's yet to even show alage growth at all in 6 months. None. Zero snails .. Zero hermits. No need for them. Easy - maintenance free - piece of cake little tank to care for.
If you are going the NO live rock route - and you have no corals or other light loving inverts - no reason too add a bunch of light - again in my opinion.
Add some snails and hermits if you want - they will help to eat up detritus/wastes.
But you can almost eliminate algae growth by restricting the lighting.


New Member
Too much light and even trace amounts of phospate in the water among other things will cause big problems with brown alage. JMO and experience.


I also have a 55 gal fully stocked no crabs no snails. I had brown algae for a while. I was lighting for 12 hrs a day. I reduced lighting to 7 hrs a day and took my live rock out and gently scrubbed it with a soft brush. Now im algae free.