brownish/black spots on False Percs


I have a pair of false perculas. They are acting fine and no one else in the tank has any problems that I know of. They have these little brownish/black spots. One has had them for a while now the other one has them. I looked up Beth's fish disease pictures and initially thought they were sting marks. I do not have any anenomes that I have purchased. I got some LR from a friend that has a couple of glass anenomes and a majano (I nuked them with lemon juice this morning) plus I also have a pair of peppermint shrimp. I also have a goniopora that is very aggressive so that may be the culprit. That damn coral tries to sting everything within it's reach! Here are some pics, sorry if they are blurry it is hard to catch a good picture of a swimming clownfish.



could be sting marks from a coral. mine got sting marks when i got my wasnt a really good idea to mix a clown and a goniopra


Active Member
Originally Posted by dnraiders
could be sting marks from a coral. mine got sting marks when i got my wasnt a really good idea to mix a clown and a goniopra
My 2 clowns host my Pink Palys (even though I have an anemone for them
). They get stung, but it does not seem to affect them.


Thanks guys. I have removed the goniopora and put it in another tank. It is really beautiful and I'd hate to get rid of it. I hear that they are hard to keep but this one has done well. My clowns don't even act like the stings bother them.
Thanks for the input.


I seems like the marks are getting worse. It has doubled the amount of marks. The clowns act fine and are eating very well. Should I be worried?
no worries, it just means the corals are stinging them and thats a good sign in my opinion that your clown is trying to host something. Maybe get something that they can host more easily, like a hammer or frogspawn, although their is no telling, clowns will host anything, even a powerhead....
the stings dont really hurt them, its not a life threatening thing...
good luck, and keep us updated :D


Yep, there is also both a couple of frogspawns and a large hammer in there too. I haven't seen them actually host anything. I just see the spots. They do hang out around my powerhead. I am thinking about getting them a bubble tip anenome.