Originally Posted by
MR. X.........
It is your opinion that my post is nonsense
no. it's not opinion.
the only opinion i typed, was that the thread starter had cyano, which was a guess, because i haven't seen his tank. everything i typed was fact. you can use a popular search engine and search out "cyanobacteria" and you will find everything i said to be true. that said, your advice is wrong and also dangerous. as private joker stated, removing a sand bed can cause alot of trouble. it's not something to suggest as soon as a person gets a little algae and/or cyano.
who are all these people who cycle a tank with sand, and then remove it? you are the first person i have ever heard do this.
you said that after the tank is stable, the sand is doing nothing for you. that is wrong. it's surface area, and home to beneficial bacteria and other beneficial life that is good for your system.
you said "your red algae is not the cyano type(which isn't an algae at all), but it's like an annoying green algae". what annoying green algae? what type of algae is it? this statement makes sense?
you said "your sandbed is harboring bacteria that causes it to grow".
the sandbed doesn't have bacteria in it that causes algae. it may possibly have detrius in it that causes algae, but again. wrong.
you said "by removing the sand you will cause no problems" that's not necessarily true. the thread starter did not mention how deep his sandbed was, or how old it was. it's very dangerous to stir up an aged sandbed.
you said "ask others, most of are using bare bottom ecosystems"
again, the ratio or bare bottom keepers is far surpassed by substrate keepers. so, wrong information once again.
you also said "bare bottom with sand in the 'fuge is good too". how is this possible if substrate is the reason for the thread starters trouble? wouldn't that sand have that awful bacteria in it that "causes the algae that's like annoying green algae" as well? if not, then why wouldn't it?
i certainly don't think i'm the creator, just a concerned reefkeeper, that would like to see the thread starter succeed with his/her tank.
it's not a personal attack either. it's just a correction. feel free to correct me whenever you see me giving bad advice. but please, have more than hearsay to back it up.
btw- check this link out. it's got some good information for anyone-